New Construction

My goal is to make the home look like it fits into its environment. Whether that space is wooded, or in a neighborhood or a beach front. The design is created to require as little maintenance as possible. During new construction, it is easier to build decks, water features, outdoor entertaining areas, stone walls, walkways and driveways that blend into the landscape.
This design was created to feel like New England for this custom home built by owners that hailed from the east. Viburnums were used in place of rhododendron front door. Stone walls and flagstone walkways were used to carry the farmhouse theme outside. A sun shaped deck was designed to take advantage of the morning rays and enjoy an early cup of coffee.
A pergola creates a division of space between the master bedroom sliding doors and the stone patio that is a heavily used area. Old fashioned plant material was chosen to carry through the historic farm house feel such as hydrangeas, lilacs, climbing roses, daylilies and peonies.
Progress Photos


Renovating an existing planting can completely change the appearance of a home. Old varieties of shrubs could completely engulf a house if not continually pruned.
New varieties can be chosen that stay compact and are relatively self-sustaining. This home had been completely overgrown with dogwood shrubs and pfitzer junipers.
In this case, all of the plant material had to be removed and new plants installed.
Stay tuned for the after photos!
Whole Property Design

Each person buys a piece of property with a dream or a goal in their mind. I have been able to help several schools take a vacant field and create an orchard and vegetable gardens.
I designed an edible landscape for a local retreat with a Celtic theme, complete with a crescent moon patio and hobbit house for the grandchildren.
I enjoy helping people look at their entire piece of property and create a design that encompasses their dreams while adapting to the unique features of each parcel.
Progress Photos

Contact us to talk about your upcoming projects